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CEO’s Message

SELGATE Corporation is fast becoming a jewel in the crown for the Selangor State Government among its coterie of GLCs. The buzz and interest generated by SELGATE within its infancy years in the healthcare and property industry is indicative of the market wanting to invest and be part of a sunrise economy.

Healthcare is indeed a sector that is almost recession-proof. The current Covid-19 pandemic has brought business activities to a standstill and affected all sectors of the economy except for medical and healthcare-related.

For those who are unaware, SELGATE is a wholly owned subsidiary of PKNS, a 60-year old giant master developer in the property sector. SELGATE was mandated by PKNS and the Selangor State Governent to spearhead the state’s entry into the healthcare industry.

For that purpose, our activities include joint venture, acquisition and / or development of green-field or brown-field hospitals, medical centres, or even other healthcare related activities to generate healthy profits and consistent revenues. Hence, we position ourselves to fit in the second tier or the middle-class segment of hospital operators hence our affordable healthcare concept that we espouse.

As a healthcare-focused group, SELGATE is fully immersed in the medical eco-system with businesses in hospital operations, network of general practice clinics, dental, pharmacy and soon rehab clinics as well as medical labs.

We also own a medical-focused insurance company and a business process outsourcing company. These two companies manage healthcare and welfare programs funded by state governments of Selangor, Perak, Kedah and Terengganu.

As a third-party healthcare administrator, we also manage employee healthcare benefits for numerous companies and corporations. We believe in smart partnership and a win-win collective camaraderie. Hence, we are always on the lookout for strategic collaborations with parties and corporations from a broad range of sectors or industries.

We believe that we can value add in terms of leveraging the strategic landbanks of our parent company, PKNS coupled with dynamic and forward looking capable, knowledgeable and future ready human capital.

Our new-look corporate website is a fitting reflection of our existence and purpose, partnering esteemed corporations to further elevate and usher quality affordable healthcare in the country.

Dato’ Noor Hisham Mohd Ghouth
Group Chief Executive Officer